
Racial Discrimination Essay

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Nothing in human history has ever been completely fair and equal as far as how you are treated based on your race, financial status, or even genders. The most controversial of these is race prejudices. However, as a whole, the human race has overcome a lot of the discrimination. The road to equality is not easy, but it does have to be taken. While studying racial discrimination, it is important to know the history of it, how and why it still goes on today, while still remembering the two very important Supreme Court cases; Plessy v. Ferguson and Brown v. Board of Education. After you have educated yourself on these subjects, you can opinionate it and hopefully see how meaningless and awful this racial dispute really is. Racial inequality …show more content…

In fact, the Jim Crow laws enforced strict segregation, separating the races from the Reconstruction to the Civil Rights movement in the 1950s. In Harper Lee’s To Kill a Mockingbird, published in 1960, there was a court case involving a black man who was accused of raping a white girl. The accusations made were merely circumstantial, considering Tom Robinson, the African American defendant, passed Mayella Ewell’s, the alleged victim, house on his daily commute to work. What actually happened, and what Tom’s attorney tried to prove, was that Mayella’s own father had attacked her. Although both parties made very believable cases, Tom Robinson’s side had too many facts to ignore. However, Mayella and her father were white, and that ultimately made up the jury’s mind. We know that this was a fictional case in a fictional novel, but Lee put that in her book to highlight how ridiculously unfair racial discrimination is, and how too real that case really was for that time. In 1964, the Civil Rights movement was passed; giving blacks and whites equal rights and access to the same things. While this did overcome the atrocity that was the Jim Crow Laws, not everyone chose to follow along and forget racial indifferences. Of course, there will always be people unable to disregard the color of human skin and discriminate against those who do not possess the same tone as them. For example, up until just last year, Cleveland, Mississippi

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