
Racial Discrimination In Public Schools

Decent Essays

Racial discrimination takes place in education because minorities, who live in neighborhoods of poverty, are treated different than those who live in decent neighborhoods or who are non-minorities. Studies have shown that young minorities are ten times likely to live in poor neighborhoods. The children with disadvantages of living in poverty suffer racially and economically. Minorities, who live in poverty, are surrounded by more crime and violence that interferes with their learning. African American children attend schools that are most disadvantage, which are schools that are segregated and located in high-poverty neighborhoods. The disadvantages then accumulates and lower social class children have lower average achievement than middle …show more content…

Often, they experience family violence, abuse, neglect, poor clothing and shoes. Teachers have many impoverished students in the classrooms, but do not seem the need to address the concerns leaving no improvement (Lynch). Data shows African Americans and Hispanics attend public schools where a a great amount of classmates qualify as poor or low-income. Researchers have found that the prediction of racial gaps in education achievement is students attend schools surrounded by low income students. Minorities that are isolated with low-income classmates is a threat to undermine the efforts to improve educational outcomes and to provide a pipeline of skilled workers for the economy (Boschma, Brownstein). Middle classes are starting to disappear leaving a wide gap between the upper class and lower class of society (Lynch). Concentrated poverty is filled with the gaps in educational achievement (Boschma, Brownstein). The racial-achievement gap’s predictor is the rate of minorities who go to school with poor classmates. Segregation in the economy face minorities with the trends of high rates of childhood poverty. Housing segregation has many patterns such as: the increase of polarization in many metropolitan areas and the general retreat to promote racial or economic integration in schools. The factors have caused minorities isolated in schools that have economic struggles with the rule and financial stability (Boschma,

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