
Racial Discrimination In The 1960s

Decent Essays

When you compare racial discrimination from now to the 60s, there is a huge difference. Weather it be from the way we used to teach different schools, one for those who are ‘white’ and those who are ‘black’, or the protests that go on today. The mass terror blacks had to go through living in the 60s to the fear of being shot by an officer today just because of the color of their skin. Racial discrimination has always been around. And people have and will always fight against it. No matter the circumstances they are willing to protest in the streets, sit in public restaurants where they aren’t allowed to, refuse to give up their seat, take a knee and state their dreams to the world. If you look back at the 60s and how different racial discrimination was compared to now, you would probably cringe. It’s violent and bloody. Although today’s racial discrimination is bad, it usually doesn’t involve torture or brutal murder. For example, in the 60s, the Civil Rights movement was defined ever since four black students sat down at a whites only lunch counter in Greensboro, North Carolina in February. “...tens of thousands clogged segregated restaurants and shops across the upper South. The protesters drew the nation’s attention to the injustice, brutality and capriciousness that characterized Jim Crow.” ( Staff, The 1960s: The Fight for Civil Rights). These protests often got violent when people decided to fight back and force the african americans to leave. Today,

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