
Racial Inequality In Sports Essay

Decent Essays

During the 1940’s, race relations in the United States remained unchanged following World War II. However, it was during this time that the tension between African American’s and Caucasian people drastically increased. Segregation was still very prominent in society; therefore areas such as sports, schools and public facilities were divided by race.People of colour were considered second-class citizens due to their race. Their lives consisted of unfair treatment and constant prejudice against them. The tension escalated as certain race barriers that laws did not regulate began to break down. A prime example of this being Jackie Robison joining the MLB.Jackie Robison is a hall offame baseball player. He was the first African-American baseball player tojoin and …show more content…

Sports have always been effective in challenging the oppression of minorities by showcasing their talents and abilities and not dwelling on their differences. If a gay athlete is able to perform as well as straight athlete then the two are equal. Minorities face major amounts of inequality, however sports is one the few areas that minorities are offered equal footing.As well as being a tool for ending racial conflicts, it is also an influential stage that can encourage its audience to view the world through a different lens.Sports can be a very powerful avenue for change in society because of the number of viewers. Thus it is very common and effective platform to spread a positive and core message that not only has the potential to reach millions but also to change society. Sports are a reflection of a societies strengths and weaknesses. In Jackie Robison case, the racial prejudice and discrimination towards him was the reflections of the weaknesses in society at the

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