
Racial Justice And Injustice In The 19th And 20th Century

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What is Racial Justice/Injustice? Racial Justice is treating everyone equally, regardless of their race. It is the acceptance of everyone for who they are without stereotyping or being prejudice towards them. During the 19th and 20th century however, racial injustice was a huge issue that plagued society. Racial injustice in the 19th and 20th century was widespread throughout the country, and it forced many people to succumbed to oppression, especially people of color. Racial injustices came in all forms, shapes and sizes. These include; racial profiling in the school system; in fact, in the 19th and 20th century, schools were very much segregated. Police officers targeted and profiled people of color, people of color were being whipped and used as slaves on plantations, people of color were not allowed their right to vote, or to drink from the same water fountains as whites, people of color were not allowed to get an education, and even people of color were being prejudiced to other people of color. These prejudices and racial injustices created the ideology of “white privilege”. White privilege is defined as ‘white people who believe that they are superior to all other races’. With all the catastrophes between whites and people of color, social workers were left with a heavy amount of workload in order to advocate for, and to try and eliminate these racial disparities. During the 19th and 20th century, fortunately, racial disparities were more common then, that it is

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