
Racial Slurs

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A voice is beautiful, as well as deadly. In this free nation, the ability to articulate one's thoughts and opinions is not limited, nor is it prohibited. When people rally together and express their synonymous thoughts, change happens. With a voice, we can defend ourselves against prejudice as well as false accusations. It is such an influential weapon, however, the Asian and Pacific Islander community thus far has not had a chance to actively exercise this right. Asians are often viewed as the "Model Minority". Always working hard and always law-abiding, we are considered superior compared to the other colored folks. Even though that was not the case, we constantly worked hard to keep up our public facade. Insults would be thrown at us, yet we are nonvocal. Racial slurs are a common thing, yet we can’t confront the tormentor. If someone were to retaliate back at the bully with any sign of hostility, our reputation of being docile, honorable citizens would be soiled. This is the thought process of countless Asian Americans across the U.S. Because of these frequently reinforced ideals within our community, we do not speak up for ourselves. For a …show more content…

On October 3, 2016, a controversial segment of the ‘The O’Reilly Factor’ show aired on the Fox News Channel. Jesse Watters was sent to interview the residents of New York’s Chinatown to get their thoughts on the election. Rather than trying to present the Chinese-Americans’ views, the piece ridiculed respondents who had little to no English ability, and several stereotypical Chinese jokes were inserted throughout the segment. Incidents like this demonstrate that even on issues that can influence our entire nation, our opinions are insignificant. Suppose we insert ourselves in discussions and debates. We would still be unable to contribute anything to the conversation because our voices are not

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