
Racism After Slavery

Decent Essays

This video was an eye opener for me. Although, I was taught a lot about racism in grade school and high school, we didn’t learn the cause of it. This video went into such great depth and explained all of the questions that I’ve accumulated over the years. I learned what happened after slavery began, but I never learned how it began. I learned about the black slaves but I had no such clue that there were white slaves. Just recently I asked myself “what are Germans classified as, if technically they’re not white?” I thought that white people started slavery I had no clue that the Spaniards introduce slavery to the whites. I’m glad that the book and the video provided me with elaborated answers.

I had no clue that slavery began because of …show more content…

I now realize that it was because the lighter African slaves were treated better than the darker African slaves (excluding the raping of the women) which caused tension and separation between the slaves. It has also come to my attention that the indentured slaves were given rights, freedom, and opportunities; unlike the African slaves, this has also contributed to the separation. I feel as if the slaves, black and white should have seen that coming. It upsets me that they only came together to rebel a handful of times. I wonder what would’ve happened if all of the African slaves and indentured slaves did come together and rebel. I wasn’t surprised at all when the video mention that Jefferson didn’t assimilate the blacks. I still wasn’t surprised to hear that he called on science to find a justified reason to separate the white and …show more content…

I thought “they got away with the mistreatment of the Africans and now they’re going to get away with the mistreatment of the Native Americans too.” The Native Americans were welcoming and accepting. They taught the English how to survive and harvest crops. And then for the English to turn around and wipe out the Native Americans over land, really upsets me. I thought that only the Africans received harsh treatment, but boy was I wrong. I never knew the extent of what Native Americans went through because in elementary/ high school we learned that the Native Americans and English had a Thanksgiving feast and lived happily ever after. After learning about all of the Native American Massacres I became pissed. Sometimes I wish I could travel back one day before the English arrived and warn the Native Americans to let them die

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