
Racism In The Harlem Renaissance

Decent Essays

Racism is a prominent issue or a serious problem in the American society since the beginning and the Americans are still struggling to eradicate this problem from their land. American soil has witnessed civil rights movements concerning this issue in the past. However in 1920, a movement got initiated to promote black identity known as Harlem Renaissance. It was also a fine arts movement that led to an increase in black confidence, literacy rate, and black culture. Writers wrote about their roots and the current society. Most of the movement took place near Harlem and was led by the middle class educated blacks. Civil rights movement began in somewhere near the 1960’s. Both these movements involved the black community however through different …show more content…

The image brought up is in form of vicious dogs which stir a kind of fear to the listener. In comparing hungry dogs hunting their prey to the enemies, McKay wants to bring about the inhuman aspect associated with them. The dogs are "mad and hungry" is a kind of extended metaphor which denotes their purpose of being killing beasts. Furthermore, McKay also sheds light to the fact that how slavery has caused a gap between the oppressor and the oppressed by using this theme of slavery. He believes that slavery will soon become a notion of the past as people will hope for better and will move into the era of enlightenment. In conclusion, the poem “If we must die” brings about a sense of hate to an evil that is making people miserable. All people are created equal and therefore have equal rights however racism becomes a major hindrance towards achieving the universal goal of equality and brotherhood. Harlem Renaissance was all about to promote black identity, culture and arts and McKay has done it through this poem. He has set an example of courage, bravery and honor for the oppressed black

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