
Racism In To Kill A Mockingbird

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America, so far, has come a long way since slavery and the discrimination against other races. After the days of slavery past, America has become a more positive and equal place to live in. But even though it may seem like America is a place of equality, we still have a long way to go before America reaches true equality. In the book we have been reading, To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee, there are many examples of racism that sexism that has stuck with America throughout the years. The way that America is heading, our country will never truly achieve racial and social equality. In the US, Women and African American, still to this day, do not get the same wages as white men, even if it’s the same job. According to The National Women’s Law Center, “Women in the U.S. who work full time, year round are paid only 80 cents for every dollar paid to men — and for women of color, the wage gap is even larger. It’s long past time to close the gap” (National Women’s Law Center.) Women have been alive just as long as men have, and yet women are still treated differently. The idea that women are weaker than men has been with the United States since the 18th century and has stuck with us to this day. The way African Americans were treated back in the early 1900s impacted the way people today see others. The novel, To Kill a Mockingbird, shows a very good interpretation on what the south was like. In the novel, an African American man named Tom Robinson was convicted of raping a

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