
Racism Is A Product Of Stupid Human Pride

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Racism Is a Product of Stupid Human Pride

“Racism is taught in our society; it is not automatic. It is learned behaviour toward persons with dissimilar physical characteristics.” (Alex Haley) Racism is not a thing that you are born with, racism is learnt through the language of the society around you. Harper Lee in her book To Kill a Mockingbird explores the irrationality of adult attitudes to race and class in the Deep South of the 1930s. In this novel, it is exemplified that racism is taught, not inherited. Consequently, Racism is a belief usually involving the fact of that one’s race is more superior and has the right to rule or dominate others. In the novel, it showcases the treatment of Negroes as immoral in comparison to the other race. Therefore, this kind of behaviour will be observed by the children leading them to follow in the footsteps of their parents. They further degrade the Negroes by calling them offensive names, which is considered normal in their society. To sum up this, Atticus is the only one who stands up for Tom Robinson and it is a strong held assumption in the society that he is guilty of raping Mayell Ewell, a white girl, even before there is a trial. Lee in her novel challenges the concept of an abundant explanation of racism, which is taught by the behaviours of the people in your society.
The Negroes are considered as immoral human beings in comparison to the other race, this is a treatment that is exemplified to the forthcoming generations. A

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