
Racism : The Inequance Of Education In Class And Education

Decent Essays

1. Systemic racism explains wealth inequalities are measured by the racial economic inequalities. Wealth has changed over generations and also how it’s been considered a measure of economic status. Due to hardship. Families with less wealth always tend to hit the hardest. White and African-American have a wealth gap of ten to one, meaning that American’s have ten times more wealth than African-American’s in a household. Aside from household income, Education has a role to play when it comes to systemic racism. I say that because depending on a student’s status, it can lead them to different facilities that can be available to kids in wealthier and poorer comminutes. In class, we talk about helping kids to get off to a good start and you pretty much get what you pay for.
Question to #2
2. The 1st quote that I had picked was #3, that is about a student named Jay and he talks about why blacks have a worse over all standing than whites. This quote is talking about how it might be because of the lack of education and because some people can’t afford to pay for school, they had to get jobs. Which also leads to being color blind about Jay’s explanation and how the cycle seems to continue. The theme of this quote and the naturalization is basically about how blacks have less education than whites.
The 2nd quote that I picked was about a person named Ian and wrote about his perspective on how African-Americans can be lazy and also culturally deficient. This one has to do a lot with

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