
Racist Myths And Stereotypes About Chinese Workers

Decent Essays

. What racist myths and stereotypes about the Chinese did the Knights' statements about Chinese workers create and perpetuate? Before the knight arrived in BC, Chinese workers had already been suffered from racism and discrimination. However, it was getting worse when the knight came to BC. At this time, it was a general idea among white people that Asian people were less civilized than themselves. The knight directly used this stereotype to justify their discrimination. Also, they tried to distinguished themselves from Chinese workers. To make it happened, they used the specific term for Chinese workers ‘the other.’ One of the reason why they did it was that by doing so, they could be far from hard and dangerous works which Chinese works had been doing while they got more paid than Chinese workers. …show more content…

It is mentioned in blackboard reading what the knight said to the Royal Commission “the knight denounced Chinese workers as low, degraded, and servile." Right after this year, the Royal Commission imposed $50 on all Chinese people who wanted to come to Canada. In 1903, the tax was raised to $500. It shows that how “white people” didn’t want Chinese workers to come to Canada. According to an article, Racial Policies of the Knights of Labor in Canada by Alexandra Hoffman, In February 1886, white workers burned down Chinese working camps. It was caused because of the white people’s hatred of Chinese workers and it is clear that the Knight's anti-Asian policies contributed to this incident. Another good example of Knight's anti-Asian policies is a boycott. According to a book, Pacific Connections: The Making of the U.S.-Canadian Borderlands by Kornel Chang, the knights of labor encouraged the boycott of Chinese businesses or white businesspersons who employed Chinese workers. This boycott affected labor markets and Chinese workers were even harder to work than

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