
Raising Corporate Taxes: Article Analysis

Decent Essays

The main focus of the government is to ensure that there is continual job creation. Whether it takes place in the form of replacing existing jobs or inventing a new job field as a whole. Among conservatives, there is a division in beliefs pertaining to job creation, whether on the impact of raising corporate taxes or lowering taxes, has the biggest influence in net jobs. A positive net creation of jobs is seeing more jobs created than lost. Does raising the corporate taxes positively or negatively impact the net creation of jobs?
In opposition, the first article is written by Mark Cuban, an American businessman, investor, and philanthropist (Forbes). On Cuban’s blog “My Views on Corporations & Taxes”, he presents he produces personal insight …show more content…

Hodge’s article “The Economic Effects of Adopting the Corporate Tax Rates of the OECD, the UK, and Canada”, states that there is current legislation being passed in Washington, in regards to lowering the tax rate on patents and intellectual property. While focusing on the primary issue of lowering corporate tax rates to match those of foreign nations and how those will have numerous benefits to the nation as a whole. Furthermore he emphasising the usage of Trickle-Down economics, which means that executives have more money they are able to pass that good fortune down to people below them. This providing for a gradual increase in living standards for everyone, by causing for additional federal growth and ultimately the addition of more …show more content…

As well as producing pathetic appeals to the working class, due to the nature of job creation having a beneficial impact on living standards. This is overplayed by Hodges, by stating that “American workers would see the biggest benefit if lawmakers were to adopt the Canadian rate of 15 percent…”, this “would lift the wage rate by 3.6 percent and generate 786,000 full-time equivalent jobs” (Tax). However the wage increases would only be nominal, matching the current inflation levels instead of being a true raise in living conditions. Showing that direct company profits equate to worker profits, but this has not been the case for American’s over the past years since the industrialization

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