
Paid Vacation In Ontario

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According to Laurie Monsebraaten and Zoe McKnight of the Toronto Star (2013), a whopping 50% of Ontario workers of all income levels get by with precarious work - which has no benefits, often low paying, and often temporary. To make matters even worse, the way the Employment Standards Act handles precarious work allows for legal loopholes that effect temporary and fulltime workers alike. Fortunately, the Ontario government is aware of the situation and is proposing changes to benefit employees. For me, the three most important changes are to paid vacation time, over time hours, and schedule-change compensation.

We will start with the proposed changes to the amount of time employees receive for their annual paid vacation. Currently, people in Ontario must be provided a minimum of two weeks of vacation time while still being paid. By comparison, the United States Department of Labor (2017) states that there is no minimum standard vacation time; instead it is agreed upon by the employer and employee. However, the Ontario government is proposing to change the two weeks of paid vacation time into three (Prof Elizabeth Sykes, 2017). This change, if implemented, could be a major bonus for every employee in Ontario, as it means we all get more …show more content…

According to Elizabeth Sykes’ PowerPoint (2017), employees in Ontario are currently required to work forty four hours a week before they can begin to receive overtime pay. Meanwhile, Americans covered by the FLSA enjoy having to work four hours less before overtime kicks in (US DoL, 2017). In the proposal for the new ESA, employees would be entitled to a forty-hour minimum before overtime. This would effectively bring us up to par with America’s Overtime Laws. This potential change would surly benefit employees, especially the ones who enjoy their job and never minded overtime in the first

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