
Raising of Capital in Business

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Raising of Capital in Business

Question 1
How firm raise capital by using venture capital? What conditions we need to raise capital by using venture capital? Firms raise this capital when they are short of other options. The firm has a basic model, but it lacks the capital that will take it to complete heights. This is especially so to a firm that has an interest to trade in the markets in the future. The firm approaches another reputable and stable company for help. The situation is advantageous where especially where the reputable firm is within the same field. The smaller firm approaches the potential financier with the idea stage and then if the company approves of it, the firm receives finances in the form of capital. The conditions that are most imperative in the raising of this capital are that the business model needs to be extremely elaborate (Brooke 2009). The financier should get the plan easily, and the amount of finances has to be large enough because many of them do not appreciate small investments. The investors should have full conviction of the plan for them to consider any channeling of finances.

Question 2
What is venture capital, and what types of firms receive it? This represents the finances that a firm acquires during the early stages of operations. This happens when a new firm introduces a new business idea that is extremely risky. Resultantly, the conventional banks shy away from offering any financial assistance to the firm. The firm

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