
Ralph Nader’s Life Lesson in The Seventeen Traditions

Decent Essays

Ralph Nader’s book, The Seventeen Traditions, discusses several traditions, seventeen in total, which the author learned from his parents, siblings, and other individuals in the community and draws certain inspiring life lessons for the current society. The book is genially human and full of sensory chronicles. Through the key traditions outlined in the book, Nader looks back at his Lebanese background and childhood experiences that directly shaped his worldview. This review analyses some of the most significant traditions in the book such as family table, independent thinking, health, and business. These key traditions will also be vital in discussing the strengths and weaknesses of the book.
Nader’s book has really achieved its principal purpose, which is to educate the society on some of the values and traditions that are vital in shaping a person’s life. Through his key seventeen traditions, the author has succeeded in creating a modern-day fable on how one can grow from a child to a responsible and successful adult. Nader’s tradition of the family table proves to be the most significant base in a child’s education. The author reveals that the family table provided an ideal place in which his parents taught him and his siblings respect and manners. To the author, most of the historical and cultural topics together with various proverbs were discussed at the family table. This tradition has some connections with my childhood experiences. Just like in the author’s case, my

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