
Rape And Sexual Assault

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Rape and sexual assault is a prevailing issue on college campuses. This is a social problem that needs to gain the attention of universities, law enforcement, students and society alike. Sexual victimization on campus is any non-consensual sexual acts against a person that is attending a university. Sexual victimization can take on many different forms, including but not limited to sexual harassment, stalking, groping, sexing, sexual imposition, sexual coercion, rape as well as several others.
Campus life is unique environment. Universities are a melting pot of different people from different backgrounds coming together in a common place. College is typically a time where people 18 to 23 explore their sexuality, couple that with limited parental and authoritative oversight and living spaces that put thousands of similarly aged individuals in close living spaces; you have an tremendous increase in the opportunity for sexual interaction. Universities are also unique because of the influence of drugs and alcohol. The culture of intoxication lowers inhibitions and creates yet more opportunities for sexual encounters. Likewise students face peer pressures and expectations that they should be having sex or looking for sex, leading to increased encounters. Another pervasive issue is the existence of rape myths; rape myths precipitate sexual assaults because they allow offenders to believe that they are not doing anything wrong, and they influence victims not to report because they

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