
Rape And Sexual Violence And Assault And Its Survivors Essay

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1.1 Introduction
This is a presentation of findings from the literature review with focus on rape and sexual violence/assault and its survivors. Extensive literature search was conducted on relevant concepts that include the definition of rape, sexual violence and assault, consequences of rape and sexual violence/assault, provision of health services. The search looked at developed and developing countries as well as war stricken settings. Therefore, the aim was to understand the burden of rape and sexual violence, its consequences and provision of health services for survivors and constitutional narrative relating to rape and sexual violence.

1.2 Rape and sexual violence burden
Rape and sexual violence/assault against humankind are among the most pervasive forms of violence. High prevalence of sexual violence was initially reported in research from Europe and Northern America. However, other continents are growingly reporting alarming prevalence of sexual violence. Based on the World Health Organization’s (2005) report on multi-country study of women’s health and domestic violence against women, approximately 6% to 59% of women globally report forced or attempted sexual intercourse (by partners or non-partners) in their lifetime. While much research has focused on sexual violence against women and children, various studies have since reported on sexual violence against men.(1)

Approximately 19.3% of women and 1.7% of men have during their lifetimes been

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