
Rape In America

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You might hear comedians, friends, strangers and maybe even family members joke about rape. Say something to them, don’t let them slide with saying such a cruel joke. Rape jokes are not acceptable under any condition. On average an American is raped every 98 seconds, and people continue to think joking about rape could be interpreted as funny. From this, 33% of people who have been raped have suicidal thoughts and around 13% of people who have been raped attempt suicide. (Kilapatrick, 2000)
Victims of sexual harassment could hear people joke about what they have gone through, they could see it on TV or online. Imagine how they feel when they see others trivializing their experience. Too many people are affected by this each year for someone to jest about their incident. With society nowadays, if you get raped, will you come out of the situation more or less stable? This is a hard question to answer. Society makes the victims feel like they deserve it by blaming it on their clothes, the way they acted around the offender or how many drinks they’ve consumed. Many people don’t want to speak out if they get raped. Sadly, 15.8% to 35% of all sexual assaults are reported to the police because the victims think they will be blamed. (M.Planty, L.Langton, 2010) …show more content…

Rape culture is rape being normalized because of our societies perception of it. For example, victim blaming or slut shaming bestows rape culture. We cannot normalize the fact that victims are being held responsible for the transgressions held against them. When people make jokes about rape it results in a non-serious mindset about the detrimental effects that these victims actually go through. People who either read or overhear these jokes will begin to normalize the prejustice implied by the joke, and that contributes to rape

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