
Rape In College Campus Essay

Decent Essays

The biggest challenge facing college students today has nothing to do with education. It has nothing to do with the heavy workload, the stress, or even the unreasonably high costs of tuition (even though that is a close second). The biggest challenge that college students have to face today is rape and sexual assault.
Rape is the most common act of crime on college campuses, and is a huge, yet overlooked problem. One in every four college woman will be a victim of sexual assault during her years of study. That's 50 woman in an average introductory class of 200; considering that victims of rape on a college campus are the most vulnerable during their early years of college. Part of this problem is the lack of effort that some colleges and universities put towards educating the administrators on how to handle these types of situations. Many of the …show more content…

Quite a few colleges have begun to set up Safety Poles, giving students an easy access to the awaiting police officers on campus. However, the only way to truly fix this problem is to address its source. One in twelve men as young adults will admit to doing a sexual act that fits the definition of rape and/or attempted rape, and still will not refer to themselves as rapists. To fix these misunderstandings, there should be a required college course that educates their early students on what is acceptable and what is not acceptable to do with their peers. Some people will argue that this is “a little too much”, or “unnecessary”, but no matter how many Safety Poles a college has set up, no matter how many police officers the campus has around, no matter how many precautions the victim takes not to get raped or sexually assaulted, if there are rapists present on campus, they will find a way to get what they want. People must stop focusing on the victims of rape and sexual assault, and start focussing on the actual rapists and sexual

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