
Rape Of Nanking Research Paper

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To what extent was the Japanese’s treatment of POWs and civilians based on racism and the beliefs of the Japanese? Japanese starved, brutalised, and even used POWs for medical experiments including live vivisections and assessments of biological weapons. There were many situations where the ethics and purpose of the Japanese’s actions were put into question. The Rape of Nanking can be argued as a pure act of racism and believed that the Chinese were inferior compared to themselves. They treated them as less than humans. The fall of Singapore (Australian-British POWs at the Burma-railway) describes furthermore the racism the Japanese showed towards other races. The Japanese treated women no better, comfort women were used as ‘things’ instead …show more content…

It is said that 42,000 civilian women were captured and interned in camps in many locations in the Far East by Japan. The sinking of the Vyner Brooke on 14th of February killed 12 of the 65 Australian Army nurses on board. The Japanese were able to capture a group of 22 nurses and the civilian women in the group , the Japanese wanted them to join a brothel (a house of prostitutes), but they refused and were put into bungalows which had dreadful and inadequate sanitation and scarce food. It was every person for themselves. Just like the male POWs, the women suffered similar consequences if they did not obey the Japanese. They were also made to stand in the stinking hot sun for extended periods of time as well as having to walk hours to collect clean water for the guards, the water that they were allowed to drink was often putrid and contaminated. A nurse who was in the AANS (Australian Army Nursing Service) and POW to the Japanese suffered from pulmonary tuberculosis. In result of the traumatic experience, she weighed only 32 kilograms and had to spend 2 years in the hospital recovering. ‘Comfort Women’ was another way the Japanese exhibited racism. Comfort women were seen as no more than ‘things’ that are disposable, if one were to disobey or refuse to do as they were told, they would be either tortured or

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