
Raskolnikov's View On Crime

Decent Essays

• “She was a diminutive, withered old woman of sixty, with sharp mean eyes and a sharp little nose. Her colorless, somewhat grizzled hair was thickly smeared with oil, and she wore no kerchief over it. Round her thin long neck, which looked like a hen’s leg, was knotted some sort of flannel rag, and, in spite of the heat, there hung flapping on her shoulders a tattered fur cape, yellow with age. The old woman coughed and groaned at every instant” (44)
• “he had felt an insurmountable repulsion for her at the first glance” (105).
• Raskolnikov targeted Alyona Ivanovna because a lot of people could have had the motive to kill her because she was widely despised for her abuse of her sister and how she treated her customers
9. Explain Raskolnikov's philosophy of crime (See pages 237-249, and his confession to Sonia - page 387-ish.)
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• Razumihin presents a socialist view of crime which he argues against o This view states that poverty and a person’s surroundings is responsible for the

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