
Rate of Reaction Coursework Essay

Good Essays

Investigate if changing the concentration of an acid will change the rate of the reaction when marble is dissolved in hydrochloric acid.


Marble Chips
Conical Flask
Hydrochloric Acid
Gas Syringe
Delivery Tube
Stop Watch

Fair Test

To make the experiment a fair test I will use the same amount of acid for each concentration. I will do this by using a capillary tube because they are very accurate. I will use 3g of marble in each concentration of acid. I will clean everything out before I start the next experiment with a different experiment.


Magnesium is flamable and when it reacts with acid an exothermic reaction takes place releasing a large amount of heat energy. Acids are corosive so saftey glasses must be …show more content…

Therefore, when the concentration is double, the time taken for the reaction should be halved. When the surface area of the calcium carbonate chips is doubled there will be twice as much chance of it colliding with the
Hydrochloric acid. Therefore I predict that when the surface area is doubled, the time taken for the experiment is halved. A temperature increase of 10 C will see the time taken for the experiment halved because energy of collisions in the particles increases, this means that there are going to be more successful collisions.


A reaction occurs when particles collide. This process is based on random particle movement. So therefore, the more particles you have in a space, the more likely they are to collide. Therefore making the reaction accelerate. This theory can be proved if you compare the rates of reaction with marble in hydrochloric acid. 'If the acid is of a higher concentration, the reaction will be quicker. Also if the particles have more energy, they will be travelling faster, making them collide more frequently.


1. The amount of marble chips will not vary because more marble chips would produce more gas when put into the HCL, so a weaker concentration of acid, could end up looking stronger than a stronger concentration of acid.

2. The amounts

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