
Raymond Carver What We Talk About When We Talk About Love Summary

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In the short story “What We Talk About When We Talk About Love” by Raymond Carver, tells of how two couples gather around a kitchen table drinking gin and talking about love. For some odd reason, no one knows what love is. One character in the story, Mel says it is “spiritual” or “absolute”, trying to perceive what it truly is. The characters talk and tell stories about their own experiences in what it meant to them. The only problem was that no one could tell wrong from right on what love meant. Towards the end of the story, after a couple rounds of gin, both couples sat in darkness and silence, completely motionless as if they were stuck in a daze. This puzzles the couples for some time to question their own love towards one another in their life. The true meaning of love is still unknown. In order for the reader to have a proper understanding of the story, they must bear in mind that the “presence of light” shows a personified attribute to love being in the room with them and to acknowledge the dark awakening at the end of the story.
As mentioned before, Carver uses a “dark” ending to kind of toy with the reader’s mind that the characters knew what love is and let alone; have it towards one another. This makes the reader question Carver’s ending about the characters as to why they are sitting in complete silence and motionless. While reading the story the reader can see that the characters are intoxicated, discussing love as if they couldn’t tell who or what it is. For

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