
Reaction Paper On Inversion Therapy

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The fact that hanging upside down or trying to remain inverted to some seems like a particular kind of torture but to some is an active therapy for curing back pain. Well am sure the word inversion table and inversion therapy is not a new thing to you but if it is let's take a quick brush over it.
The inversion therapy is generally and simply known as the gadget used to carry out inversion therapy. The inversion therapy uses merely the gravity and body weight to pull the spine bones a bit apart, thereby creating more space and room for movement amidst the vertebrae, which then reduces the pressure and pain which is as a result of pressure present on the nerves. There are varieties of routines or exercises that can be carried out with the inversion table, but here we will be discussing the most important ones.
Five Inversion Table Exercises for Back Pain
Below are well discussed five essential exercises for back pain
Intermittent Inversion
The intermittent inversion is one …show more content…

With this, it's easier to cure tension build up surrounding the vertebrae. To perform the decompression exercise, hold on to the top or head of the inversion table, and you can also place your hands on your head if that makes you feel better. Take a deep breath to help the muscles relax and enjoy the full stretch of the torso and back.
The decompression routine also follows three critical stages which include the light, moderate and high stage. The light stage begins from 30 degrees inversion angle for about a minute to three minutes, then you can also change to the next position which is 45 degrees with time same time duration. The moderate stage starts from 30 degrees to 45 degrees with the time range of 3 to 5 minutes. As for the high stage, it starts from 60 and then to 90 degrees angle of inversion, with 5 to 10 minutes for each angle.
The Low Back

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