
Reaction Paper On Suicide

Satisfactory Essays

There is many reasons that can come to mind when thinking about why someone commits suicide. Often times those grieving and or just looking at one's suicide comes to the conclusion that the person was selfish, or that they may have been going through a bad breakup, or some sort of economic falling out, sometimes even just sadness may have been why someone committed suicide.Suicide is everywhere. Although many people see a person committing suicide as a personal act, someone else thought differently. Emile Durkheim was a famous sociologist. Durkheim was extremely interested in finding out what is it that holds society together, he focused on the shared experiences, perspectives, values, beliefs, and behaviors that allow people to feel that they are a part of society. Durkheim wrote a book titled “Suicide,” in which he concluded that there are four different types of suicides. One of these different types of suicides was known as ‘Anomie Suicide,’ which can be described as normlessness, not having a set of norms so people fail to understand what's expected of them.This concept refers to how societal change, or the perception one has of it, can cause one to feel disconnected from society due to the changes in norms, values, and expectations. Thus, causing one to go in a state of physical and emotional depression.
In different countries suicide rates are higher than others. South Korea is in the top 3 countries with the highest suicide rates. In an article titled “South

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