
Reaction Time Will Change After Doing Exercise

Satisfactory Essays


The purpose of this experiment was to design and carry out a fair test to determine whether a test subject’s reaction time will change after doing exercise. Reaction time can be defined as the amount of time taken to react to a certain stimulus. One area in specific where reaction time plays an important role is sport. For example, how fast a sprinter reacts after the gun is fired to start, or how quickly an opponent boxer reacts to a punch. In both these examples the faster they react the better chance they have of being successful (Higher Faster Sports, Unknown) . Having a good reaction time also plays an important role in everyday life such as driving your car, because people need to be able make quick decisions on the road in order to stay safe and avoid accidents.

The nervous system is responsible for coordinating the way in which the body reacts to different stimulus. It does this by transmitting signals from a complex collection of nerves and specialized cells called neurons between different parts of the body. The nervous system is made up of two components: the central nervous system (CNS) and peripheral nervous system (PNS) (Live Science, 2014). The CNS is made up of the brain and the spinal cord and is known as the control center, where information is evaluated and decisions are made . The PNS on the other hand consists of all parts of the nervous system outside the CNS and is important for its information gathering capabilities, to receive

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