
Reaction Times With Different Genres Of Music

Satisfactory Essays

Reaction Times With Different Genres of Music
The purpose of this research was to determine the effect of sound in a car on the driver’s reaction time. The use of both genders highlights which gender has the fastest reaction and the use of age range 15-20 represent the learner and provisional drivers. The different types of sound are relatable in the car as: the ‘silent’ sound represents the driver not experiencing any distractions, the ‘classical’ music is when the radio/CD music is soft and calm, and the ‘rock’ music is when the radio/CD music is upbeat and loud.
Aim: To determine which gender has the fastest reaction to different types of sound: silence, classical or rock, and to determine which sound has the most effect on reaction time.
• Computer
- Internet
- Mouse
• 6 subjects o 3 males and 3 females from age range 15-20
• Phone with: o Classical music – “Symphony No. 40 in G minor” by Mozart o Rock Music – “American Idiot” by Green Day
• Earphones
Hypothesis: The different sounds will not affect the reaction times by much only due to human error and the male gender will have the faster reaction time compared to females.
1. A quiet room with no distractions was found.
2. The human reaction time test website was opened (
3. The first subject clicked on “Click to start” in the blue area when they were ready.
4. When the red screen turned green, they clicked again as quickly as they

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