
Read-Only Participants

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Read-Only Participants: A case for student communication in online classes.

Online learning is conducive to that of the traditional onsite learning facilities. There are some students who fully participate in the experience as well as those who take their learning environments for granted. A summary of the required reading “Read-only participants: a case for student communication in online classes” will support the noted claim. The study was completed to measure the various behaviors of the online learner. The research gathered the behaviors of students participating the in a Master’s degree web-based curriculum through the University of Pretoria. Beaudoin is noted as one of the greatest contributors to this case study. …show more content…

The final outcome for the average student would report a passing grade but would have provided limited performance when it comes to successfully completing the assignments. The low performing student or the ones who showed very little class participation and didn’t actually give value to the forums would not achieve a passing grade and in most cases would have a number of excuses for their lack of performance. During my online studies, I expect to engage as a high performing student. I will not take the curriculum for granted and read the forums on a daily basis. Realistically, I do not expect to be able to read and respond to all of the responses to the forms but I will make every effort to read a majority of the replies. My takeaway from the article is that the online learner has to remain focused and diligent to the online learning experience. Similar to the typical classroom environment, there is a value to others viewpoints during a classroom discussion. Online classes are great forms of communication. The online learning environment gives access to students in remote areas who would otherwise lack or have limited exposure to higher education. Also, the facilitators feedback to the forum questions could prove to be beneficial in obtaining a scholastic

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