
Reading For Pleaser Is In Painful Decline By Stephen L. Carter Summary

Satisfactory Essays

Reading for pleasure seems to be a concept that as time goes on becomes not as well-known as before. Long term effects of not reading in our in our society could become a problem. Stephen L. Carter believes that the decline in reading is not a good thing for the United States. In the article “Reading for Pleaser Is in Painful Decline” by Stephen L. Carter, he shows significant evidence that the state of reading has declined in the United States. Carter shares his thought on the decline of reading in the United States by saying, “Being a nonreader is nothing to be proud of. A rise in proud nonreaders would bode ill for the nation’s future” (Carter 88). Carter believes that people should read for pleasure not just for academic purposes. He also believes that by not reading would be not for the nation’s future. By not reading he is afraid that the country or world will become a place …show more content…

Carter says because of the report he believes that we should read more for pleasure by saying, “that active and engaged reader lead richer intellectual lives than nonreader and that a well-read citizenry is essential to a vibrant democracy” (Carter 22). Carter also says that reading books that challenge us it good for us because it makes us use our intellectual sides more. While some people will say that there is not enough evidence to say that reading has or will have a negative effect on our society, it is important that young readers find reading enjoyable and not a chore. Others may say that Carter is too biased to say that a decline in readers is a problem while other may agree because of the evidence that the reports say. Even though there is only one report that he references is clearly say that not reading for pleasure could and will most likely cause problems for our society in the

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