
Realist Viewpoint of World War II Essay

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The realist school of thought stands for anarchy and fighting for its own selfish reasons to preserve the nation's interest. Back in December 7th, 1941 after the Japanese air force attack to Pearl Harbor in Hawaii, America’s military was caught by surprise bringing out the attention of the whole nation against Japan. President Harry S. Truman, made the decision in 1945 to attack Japan with nuclear bombs first to Hiroshima and then three day later to Nagasaki. Days later, Japan surrender, and World War II was drawn into a close. Realist scholars say that the decision made was unnecessary. The death among the two cities were around 200,000, in Hiroshima there were 90,000 deaths, and Nagasaki had 37,000 death this is without counting the …show more content…

Generals of War at that time were classical realism oriented, which stands for the principle of national interest and main role is to achieve and preserve power. General Dwight Eisenhower, that later became the thirty-fourth president of the United States knew and understood the awful things the U.S should declare itself guilt of. Prisoners of war from Japan that were in different courts around the world, many, were discharged of them, nothing was comparable to the mass murder of children, women, and families the barbarous genocide war crime the U.S. should be blame for.
World War II end it, while the Cold War just started. As an old realist like Niccolò Machiavelli would say “the end justifies the means.” The thinker would had agree with President’s Truman decision if only Japan would had been stronger and ready to keep on fighting and a an outcome of understanding would had come out. The poor excused, if payed attention, if Japan does not provide absolute surrender, although its people have sworn loyalty to the Emperor at that time, they would be attack. United States officials Byrnes and Baruh influenced Truman in using Japan, although he denies it, as an experiment arena for the atomic bombs. David McCullough wrote a biography of Truman and he mention how the Secretary of State, Stettinius was truly not an expert of foreign policy and did not know what he was doing. Not only Machiavelli, but a realist scholar of the time of the Soviet

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