
Reasonable Access Of Quality Medical Care Essay

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Reasonable access to quality medical care is such an important issue to each of us. It is necessary to take an objective but proactive look at what options are available to us. As a citizens of a nation we must weigh the evidence and decide which system is best for us. Is socialized or government controlled healthcare the answer to our problems? I want to review just three of the points that affect availability under socialized care.
There can be no discussion about socialized medicine or healthcare reform without acknowledging the elephant in the room. Affordability is the giant obstacle to availability in our current free market system and the driving force behind the need for reform. Advocates for socialized medicine claim that with the adoption of a government paid healthcare system, that everyone would have access to reasonable healthcare because cost would not be the limiting factor. When you consider that according to J. Edward Hill M.D., former president of the American Medical Association, that “A Gallup poll tells us the second most important financial problem households face is healthcare costs, second only to the specter of bankruptcy itself” (1) being able to go to the doctor without paying sounds like a very good option. If we can assume that affordability is the primary hindrance to availability of reasonable healthcare in the United States than we need to adopt a true single party system similar to Great Britain. This, according to Joseph Slavit

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