
Reasons For Socio Economic Rights

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9.1.4 RQ4. Why are violations of socio-economic rights less susceptible to international criminalisation? The fourth research question relates to the reasons for socio-economic rights being less susceptible to international criminalisation. Socio-economic rights in international law as earlier defined in this research ‘include a variety of rights, such as: (i) the right to work and to just and favourable conditions of work; to rest and leisure; to form and join trade unions and to strike; (ii) the right to social security; to protection of the family, mothers and children; (iii) the right to an adequate standard of living, including adequate food, clothing and housing; (iv) the right to the highest attainable standard of physical and …show more content…

These draw causal links between socio-economic rights and grand corruption, however, the reasons advanced here and in chapter six attempted to answer research question no 4. The lower status accorded to socio-economic rights in domestic legislations is reflected in the 1999 Nigeria Constitution where chapter II classify them as “Fundamental Objectives and Directive Principle of State Policy” rather than a “Fundamental Right”. However, as argued in chapter three of this thesis, the issues of enforceability of socio-economic rights in Nigeria may still be realisable given certain defined parameters. Yet, 100% of the interviewee strongly argued that grand corruption would still undermine the realisation of socio-economic right even if they are made a fundamental right in Nigeria. Hence, the recommendation is that socio-economic rights should be made justiciable. Furthermore, the government should exhibit the political will and seriousness to combat grand corruption. 9.2 Recommendations The responses on the theme from the semi-structured interviews as well as the review of other scholarly work underscores the formulation of the following suggestions and recommendations: 9.2.1 Legal and Institutional Reform The panacea to the grand corruption in Nigeria appears to have

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