
Rebellion Of The Qing Government

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However, due to circumstance it was clear that rebellion was the primary objective for the Tiandihui, especially in the late 18th and 19th centuries. From 1787-1788 Tiandihui leader Lin Shuangwen led a rebellion with Ming loyalists against the Qing government. During the time of this uprising the Tiandihui led multiple rebellions that Ownby marks as the “transformation of a local tradition into an organization with at least regional prominence.” While their rebellions were not successful, their influence was strongly felt within the Qing government – these rebellions, primarily Lin Shuangwen’s, were extremely costly for the Qing government. They also were forced to rethink and restructure the government for Taiwan since Lin Shuangwen and his 300,000 men occupied almost half of Taiwan at one point. Direct connections and the result of the rebellion led to continued and more “secret” activity from the Tiandihui and more rebellions, such as the Zhang Maqiu rebellion.
The Triad also had an extremely strong presence in Hong Kong, known for being their headquarters in southern China: “At all events, in 1847 it is recorded [Hong Kong] it was that the Triad Secret Society flourished unchecked, Hong Kong having become its headquarters for the South of China, and three fourths of the Chinese population were believed to have been enrolled as members.” With the society flourishing and the police force ignorant, the society was able to influence the city. The Triad influenced the labor

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