
Recitatif By Toni Morrison: Character Analysis

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In Toni Morrison’s “Recitatif”, the reader is introduced to two young girls who live together in an orphanage named Twyla and Roberta. Their race and class remain ambiguous throughout the entire story. As the reader, we are forced to see the characters for their personalities and struggles as opposed to viewing them as their racial stereotypes, as one subconsciously tends to do. With that, race and class play an important role throughout the story, and the relationship between the two is powerful. Human beings tend to intertwine both race and class and create assumptions about someone based off it, however, these assumptions can prove to be ignorant and not as honest as one may think, which is what the author is trying to convey. When thinking lightly about race and social class, people conceptualize the black person to be of a lower class and the white person to have a higher class. With mentions of two different races but not specific assignments of race to the two main characters, Roberta and Twyla, the reader then desperately tries to inspect the text for clues. However, in doing so, they …show more content…

They get lunch together and catch up and the instance makes them feel like no time had passed at all. Twlya comments on Roberta’s current success in life. “I was dying to know what happened to her, how she got from Jimi Hendrix to Annandale, a neighborhood full of doctors and IBM executives. Easy, I thought. Everything is so easy for them. They think they own the world.” While just skimming this, what immediately comes to mind is Twyla, a black girl, thinking about how white people get everything so easily and they think they are on top of the racial hierarchy. It could also just be her merely thinking about Roberta growing up with more money and opportunity than she had and having easier access to wealth in the

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