
Reconstruction of the South After the Civil Rights Movement

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After the Civil War, the nation sought to reconstruct the South, both socially and economically, so it could be readmitted into the Union. This meant giving the newly emancipated African Americans the civil rights and liberties that they deserved as United States citizens. Through events like the Civil Rights Movement, the nation was exposed to new ideologies and opinions of various groups who aimed to grant African Americans those rights and liberties. However, the methods in which the different groups took were not always the same—some brought the nation together, while others pulled it apart.
In America, Malcolm X’s Nation of Islam and Martin Luther King’s Southern Christian Leadership Conference both sought to defeat racism of whites towards blacks, empower African Americans, and promote solidarity. However, Malcolm X and King had different methods of getting their points across; King chose the more nonviolent route, while Malcolm X chose the forceful route where the use of violence was allowed. Malcolm X was also the advocate for creating a separate black community, often using the phrase “Separation, not segregation.”
Throughout the course of the book, Malcolm X is portrayed as a man who shifted in his own understanding, as well as his interpretation of how African Americans and whites existed in America. In the early years, Malcolm X was seen as a force pulling America apart. However, just prior to his death, Malcolm X started to see that the entire white race

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