Americans, and the world at large, create astonishing amounts of garbage each year. Over twenty-one million plastic bags, and thirty six billion aluminum cans fill our landfills every year .Why can’t people take the time to recycle? It is such an important environmental issue, and yet it seems as though there aren‘t enough people out there who want to make a difference. Most of us know that recycling is graet for the environment, but when we go home, we often leave the work someone else to do in order to make a differnce. Most people just don’t take this issue seriously, unless they have to. When we take a look at recycling and understand the process, it’s really amazing that we can take a used item and return it to it’s original …show more content…
Perhaps the most obvious way it will be able to do this is by keeping waste out of landfills, which can introduce contaminants and other toxins into groundwater systems. Recycling also keeps materials out of incinerators, which can pollute the air and create severe ash residue. Furthermore, recycling lowers environmental damage caused by logging, mining, as well as other methods that facilitate the procreation of raw materials. Most importantly, recycling prevents the emissions of many greenhouse gasses and water pollutants.
It’s effortless to put your empty water bottle in the recycling bin. It’s so very easy to put your candy wrapper wear it belongs—in the same bin. And, it’s painless to put your soda cans in another container. But then, how come we so rarely do it? Ask yourself, why you don’t recycle more often? Well, now that you know the benefits that come from recycling there are no excuses when it comes to keeping your environment clean.
Becausde every single person contributes to waste, I belive that we should demand there be a federal law that forces us to recycle. This residential , commerical, government building. We shold be forced to buy see through trash cans that have three compartment, Our government should make it a taxable deduction when you purchase This law would also go to every singel TheIf you break the law and choose not to, then your
Do you know that many americans do not know how important recycling is? In the article “Importance of Recycling” by Rinkesh he says, “Recycling is important in today’s world if we want to leave this planet for our future generations.” This statement explains how many americans do not know how important recycling is to keep this planet and many more generations going. Many people do not know the different ways recycling helps out our enviroment. Personally, recycling is important for the environment, which is why I decide participate in it and recycle at home. I like to recycle cans and bottles. In my opinion, there are many factors as to why the environment needs recycling, but to shorten the process I came up with three major needs as to why
Recycling is the process of making new products from a product that has originally served its purpose. The process of recycling starts when used products are disposed in an appropriate, environmentally friendly way. Items made from materials such as paper, tin cans, aluminum cans, plastic water bottles, and glass, which people use in everyday life, can be separated from regular trash and put in an appropriate recycling bin. The United States now realizes the importance of recycling. However, many ignorant people still think separating recyclables requires too much work. Requiring mandatory recycling would prod these individuals into action. Lack of recycling leads to dramatic consequences such as polluting the environment and raising the number of landfills. Delay is critical; time plays a significant role in waste management. The sooner American communities recycle properly the better it will be for the environment and our surroundings. People need to become conscious and take responsibility as a society to protect the earth, keep it clean and beautiful, and preserve the natural resources. The United States can achieve this goal by implementing mandatory recycling.
Recycling is one of the most common ways to keep America clean. The recycling bins are one of the most recognizable logos across the world. People all across the U.S. have recycling bins, inside of their household. The sad thing is most people do not use them, they most of the time just throw stuff in the regular trash that could be recycled. For example, plastic, paper, cans, glass, cardboard, and even computer hardware ( People don’t realize that they could be doing the world a big favor, just by recycling these everyday items.
Do cities and other places have to pay to recycle?”Despite decades of exhortations and mandates, it’s still typically more expensive for municipalities to recycle household waste than to send it to a landfill”(The Reign of Recycling). Recycling is more expensive but has more benefits than sending garbage to the landfill. Sending garbage to a landfill causes land pollution people need to be educated, have changed attitudes, and motivated to change and solve this problem.
Recycling is a very essential and crucial process in our world today. The term recycling means that waste can be converted into new products instead of being discarded. As the population continues to grow, humans are using more and more products. In order to reduce the amount of waste on planet Earth, and to preserve its resources, recycling is significant. Not only does recycling allow the environment to thrive, but it also allows living people to thrive as well. There are many materials that can be recycled. Plastics, electronics, aluminum, food and glass are only but a few products that can be recycled. Recycling can benefit our environment in numerous amount of ways. However, without recycling, negative impacts on our environment can occur. Some of these effects include pollution whether it is air, land or sea, depletion of natural resources and even an increase threat to global warming. Therefore, recycling is extremely important to sustain our environment.
Because we are a generation centered on convenience, so many people prefer to choose the path of least resistance. If something seems troublesome, they may feel they don’t have the time or energy to follow through. Consequently, recycling needs to be more convenient than throwing recyclables away. For example, there should never be a garbage can without a recycling bin next to it. This should be common sense. However, far too often this scenario is evident in high traffic
One of the biggest reasons recycling should be taken so serious is because of its positive affect on the environment. Without recycling, so many goods that have potential to be repurposed are thrown into landfills. These landfills are piled up and affect the lives of countless wildlife. This quote by Allen Hershkowitz shows the enormity of the helpfulness of recycling. “Because using recycled materials reduces the need to extract, process, refine, and transport the timber, crude petroleum, ores, and so on that are necessary for virgin-based paper, plastics, glass, and metals, recycling lessens the toxic air emissions, effluents, and solid wastes that these manufacturing processes create” (Hershkowitz). Not having to put the weight of everyone’s trash trash on the world’s land and instead, repurposing it into something usable saves so many resources. Recycling not only leaves more room for things where the trash would have gone, but it also means that the people living here will get farther with the resources they have. The more that is taken from the earth the less there will be for those in the future, so saving and taking care of what is here is very important. The ones living in the world today are the people who are get to decide how the people of the generations to come are going to live. People should not want their kids living in a world of filth and pollution where no one cares about the world they are living on. An article by Omid Nodoushani discussed in depth the terrible amounts of pollution that is
Americans make more than 200 million tons of garbage each year, enough to fill Busch Stadium from top to bottom twice a day, that’s over 1800 feet! according to Ballparks. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) estimates that 75% of the American waste stream is recyclable, but we only recycle about 30% of it says Do Something. With the invention of the virtually indestructible material well known as plastic, on top of the rapidly evolving technological world, and the extreme reduction of locations where landfills can be built, it’s hard to believe that 75% of the waste stream in America alone is recyclable, and yet only 30% of it is actually recycled. Recycling is a beneficial solution to many of our increasingly important environmental
Everyone knows how to recycle; the used items are placed on the curb, sent to donation centers, and picked up to be used, but many do not have knowledge of where their products go after that. Of course recycled materials can be reused, and reduce pollution and the basic facts that everyone is aware of but how exactly do different items benefit our environment? The facts and statistics shown on how things are recycled and how they help our world prove to be more interesting and beneficial then one would think. Recycling is a very intricate process that has many worldly benefits to which our people should be more aware of in their daily lives.
As people living on the earth, its is very easy to recycle. It’s so easy that all you have to do is set your recycling bin outside for the weekly curbside pickup. However, there are also places you can go and take everything you wish to recycle and the recycling plant will even pay for your recycling. However it is not as convenient if you are not taking large amounts and just taking your weekly recycling supplies. A majority of items that are produced can always be recycled and used again. It is extremely easy for anyone to recycle and help the Earth.
People Need to Recycle In the United Sates, where the population is inflated every year. The amount of space for landfills decreases every day. The need for recycling should not be asked, it should just be done out of habit. Everyone in America needs to recycle, to help the lamdfill problem, help the environment, and help produce new products from recycled goods. In America there is about two-hundred and eight tons of residential and commercial trash generated a year, 4.3 pounds per person a day (Prichard 1A). This is an overwhelming amount of trashed produced yearly. When people recycle this number can be drastically cut. But many people do not practice and use
Recycling is presently one of the most controversial topics, considering that while most individuals put across their support regarding the act the number of individuals who actually do something in order to recycle is much smaller. Many people are currently unable or unwilling to recycle properly because the process often requires a series of changes in one's life. It is thus essential for the authorities to provide educational programs meant to assist individuals in understanding why recycling is important and in learning how to recycle effectively. People need to accept the fact that the benefits of recycling will reflect on the future and that conditions are currently critical as a result of the fact that the masses are generally unacquainted with the importance of this process.
air and land pollution. By recycling, we can lessen the waste materials that are placed into
Increased recycling means less trash entering landfills. The greatest environmental benefit of recycling is the use of energy and natural resources when old materials are used to make new products. Many consider recycling an easy task. Products that become garbage have an effect on global warming, which makes recycling as a viable option. The phrase ‘Reduce, Reuse, Recycle’ was coined to promote recycling and a clean environment. Recycling is a simple way in which people can contribute to making a better world. It takes time and effort to collect, separate and send trash away. Recycling effects every aspect of our environment—homes, schools and hospitals.
I propose that we adopt a similar policy here in Billings, a policy that requires us to recycle. With this, we would require households to have a separate recycle bin, similar to one that we push trash in. And to have recycling companies make their rounds and do the weekly