We don't have to be a genius to be aware of global environmental mess we created over the years. The easiest thing we can do for our planet is recycling. Recycling is the process of turning used products-from household use, manufacturing and many others- into something profitable and advantageous and thereby reducing their negative effects on the environment to make the world a better place to live.
We should all be living in a clean world and that is why a large part of the society recycles.
Recycling has been around for thousands of years, actually everyone practice some kind of it even though the idea of recycling was introduced in 1970's during the environmental movement. As many studies have shown, recycling a
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Making new products from non recycled materials causes natural resources to deplete. (Castro et al 2009). Most of the recyclable items we use everyday are made from plastic, paper, glass or aluminum.
While manufacturing papers we use wood pulp from trees, producing plastic requires the use of oil as well as natural gas. We can say that making products from recycled materials means using fewer natural resources, that means less trees will be cut and not as much oil will be used to produce plastic. Research shows that 4% of U.S annual oil consumption goes into the manufacture of plastic, but recycling can make a significant impact on oil use.
For example in 1997, the U.S recycled 13 million cars which conserved 32.5 billion pounds of ore. Americans recycled about 33% of total municipal solid waste which is equivalent to saving almost 225 million barrels of oil (U.S EPA,2009).
Reducing pollution is another benefit in addition to conserving natural resources.
Every day, people produce millions of trash that are disposed in landfills which can cause water, air and land pollution. By recycling, we can lessen the waste materials that are placed into landfills and make the most out of these materials. If we don’t recycle, more and more garbage will go to landfills until they all get filled up. If that happens, where will the
There are so many different ways our world can recycle ,The goal is to reduce the amount of waste ,
Recycling saves a lot of energy and prevents pollution. It even creates jobs. In an EPA 2016 report, recycling accounted for over 700,000 jobs! On the other side of the
We have all heard the saying reduce, reuse, and recycle from a very young age. But let’s face it, how many of us recycle? The world we live in is slowly filling up with the trash that we throw out every day. One day who knows, we might be living in our own trash and everywhere we look there will be trash. Is this a world where we all want to live in? If not, we need to take steps to prevent the buildup of trash in our landfills and even our oceans. Therefore, recycling needs to be encouraged because it reduces the amount of waste sent to landfills, prevents pollution, conserves natural resources, and creates jobs.
Recycling is a great idea. I think Americans already have the culture of recycle. The goal is to reduce enviromental damage, so we can have clean water and air.
Recycling is a very essential and crucial process in our world today. The term recycling means that waste can be converted into new products instead of being discarded. As the population continues to grow, humans are using more and more products. In order to reduce the amount of waste on planet Earth, and to preserve its resources, recycling is significant. Not only does recycling allow the environment to thrive, but it also allows living people to thrive as well. There are many materials that can be recycled. Plastics, electronics, aluminum, food and glass are only but a few products that can be recycled. Recycling can benefit our environment in numerous amount of ways. However, without recycling, negative impacts on our environment can occur. Some of these effects include pollution whether it is air, land or sea, depletion of natural resources and even an increase threat to global warming. Therefore, recycling is extremely important to sustain our environment.
Consequently, take a gander at what an Earth would look like with recycling. There would be less Greenhouse gases from the production of new materials. People could have visit an even greater amount of wildlife now that their habitats’ destruction is slowed. They might even gain some back and their habitats could expand! If every person just recycled one can of pop or tea every day, we could save the energy equivalent of 80,000 barrels of oil and reduce the harmful greenhouse
Name: Emily Wilson General Purpose: To persuade Outcome Statement: At the end of our presentation, our audience will understand the need to recycle and will begin recycling. Thesis: Today we are going to encourage you to recycle because it reduces pollution, preserves our habitats, and saves our natural resources. Body I. There are many needs for recycling that not only benefit the environment, but also benefit us as well. A. First of all, recycling reduces both water and air pollution.
One of the biggest reasons recycling should be taken so serious is because of its positive affect on the environment. Without recycling, so many goods that have potential to be repurposed are thrown into landfills. These landfills are piled up and affect the lives of countless wildlife. This quote by Allen Hershkowitz shows the enormity of the helpfulness of recycling. “Because using recycled materials reduces the need to extract, process, refine, and transport the timber, crude petroleum, ores, and so on that are necessary for virgin-based paper, plastics, glass, and metals, recycling lessens the toxic air emissions, effluents, and solid wastes that these manufacturing processes create” (Hershkowitz). Not having to put the weight of everyone’s trash trash on the world’s land and instead, repurposing it into something usable saves so many resources. Recycling not only leaves more room for things where the trash would have gone, but it also means that the people living here will get farther with the resources they have. The more that is taken from the earth the less there will be for those in the future, so saving and taking care of what is here is very important. The ones living in the world today are the people who are get to decide how the people of the generations to come are going to live. People should not want their kids living in a world of filth and pollution where no one cares about the world they are living on. An article by Omid Nodoushani discussed in depth the terrible amounts of pollution that is
Recycling is one of the most common ways to keep America clean. The recycling bins are one of the most recognizable logos across the world. People all across the U.S. have recycling bins, inside of their household. The sad thing is most people do not use them, they most of the time just throw stuff in the regular trash that could be recycled. For example, plastic, paper, cans, glass, cardboard, and even computer hardware (www.recycleacrossamerica.org). People don’t realize that they could be doing the world a big favor, just by recycling these everyday items.
one reason I believe this to be true is, items from waste can still be used, such as wood it can be used as fuel for wood burning power plants.This wood would bring revenue to the counties and cities that recycle it by charging the power plants for the wood this is done all across the country.
People Need to Recycle In the United Sates, where the population is inflated every year. The amount of space for landfills decreases every day. The need for recycling should not be asked, it should just be done out of habit. Everyone in America needs to recycle, to help the lamdfill problem, help the environment, and help produce new products from recycled goods. In America there is about two-hundred and eight tons of residential and commercial trash generated a year, 4.3 pounds per person a day (Prichard 1A). This is an overwhelming amount of trashed produced yearly. When people recycle this number can be drastically cut. But many people do not practice and use
The world population is around 7 billion people and every person produces about 4.4 pounds of waste per day. More people will lead to the increase of wastes products and then will increase the risk of environmental issues. Today, the world able to recycle only 30% of waste products. According to Environmental Protection Agency “Approximately 55% of 220 million tons of waste generated each year in the United States ends up in one of the over 3,500 landfills. Municipal solid waste landfills are the second-largest source of human-related methane emissions in the United States, accounting for approximately 22 percent of these emissions in 2008”
These days, our earth has been filled by a lot of waste. There is a lot of garbage, plastic waste, and electronic waste. We always produce it and dump it when we need the new one. Our waste are piling up and continuously accumulating. Plastic waste is one of the biggest problems for us now. And our solution in this problem is recycling. In my opinion, recycling is a way to manage used items into new products. We can reduce, reuse, and recycling (3R) waste management (Peter, 2013). We can reduce our waste clothes with reuse it. There are some reasons why peoples recycle used or unwanted items, which are, prevent wasting unusable materials that still have usage after recycled, reduce the application of raw materials, reduce energy
Imagine walking down a forest path, feeling the crisp fall breeze, hearing the birds chirping, breathing in the fresh air. The earth's environment is wonderful and as stewards of this plant, it is every human's job to protect and even enhance its beauty. Dumping incinerated garbage into a hole in the Earth is not exactly being a good steward. However, science has developed the technology of recycling, and people should use this blessing as readily as possible. In other words, everyone should recycle, and if they won't do it on their own, recycling should become a requirement. Recycling should be mandatory because it helps minimize pollution, conserve energy, preserve natural resources, and create jobs.
One thing that people will always remember when it comes to restoring the environment is "reduce, reuse, recycle". Recycling products keeps them out of landfills, and reduces pollution caused by waste. Landfills contaminate groundwater, which in turn contaminates the soil, and produces methane. Methane, which is a greenhouse gas, is 21 times more potent than carbon dioxide (Amy 's Web, 2009). When society is able to recycle products rather than throw them to landfills, they are able to reduce the need for raw materials. The United States Environmental Protection