
Red Beet Research Paper

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Red beet (Beta vulagaris L.) is an indispensable crop of the Chenopodiaceae family. The crop is primarily cultivated for its edible roots and valued extensively for its colour [1]. In terms of total red beet production in Nova Scotia, the farm value has increased over the period of a decade by 292% to 342 tonnes in 2010 [2]. Interestingly, red beet is a crop of commercial importance i.e. exploited for production of natural colorants in food, decorative art, cosmetics and medicinal products []. E- The natural colorants from red beets was estimated to possess the market value of $1.45 billion in 2009, and demand of 40,000-50,000 tonnes, respectively [3]. Recently, other value-added products from red beet crop including, dried beet chips, fermented

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