
Red Monologue

Decent Essays

Blue was a part of the cool color family. Blue was usually rational and calm, but is naive and is usually easily influenced. Blue’s mother wanted her to get married to Green to help secure a stable future, but Blue doesn’t think she is ready for marriage and isn’t interested in Green.
Red was a part of the warm color family. Red was passionate and irrational. He met Violet who he thought was the love of his life and was obsessed with her but Violet did not return the feeling.
Red notice that Violet was going to a mixing event and decided to go to see her but there he met Blue and immediately fell in love with her. Red approached Blue and soon they mixed. After the mixing event, Red could not stop yearning for Blue and later learn about each …show more content…

Oh, she is so graceful and serene. Her beauty is as bountiful as the sky and her eyes shine as brightly as the moon. Just thinking about her makes me feel warm inside.
[Enter Blue]
Blue- Oh where is my Red. Why did you have to be a warm color? If only you could cast away your family and your name then we could be together. Your family is the enemy of mine, but I love you so much.
Red- If that is what you want then this day forward I will no longer be known as Red, and my family is no longer the warm color family.
Blue- Who are you and what business do you have here?
Red- My name is one that I do not way to say, one that if I written, I would rip it.
Blue- I recognize that voice, are you Red, from the warm color …show more content…

Red- I was guided by my love and passion for you. I was the eyes for love, and it steered me here.
Blue- If I knew that you were here, I would’ve behaved more properly, but now is not the time to be polite. Red, do you actually love me? I want to know the truth. You may think me dumb for falling in love so quickly but my love for you is true.
Red- My passion for you burns fiery hot. I swear by the moon.
Blue- Do not swear by the moon, the moon is inconsistent and changes constantly.
Red- Then what do you want me to swear by?
Blue- Don’t swear to anything, I am trusting your words. I just feel like this love is too quick, and that it would vanish as suddenly as it started.
Red- Will you leave me unsatisfied? I confessed my love to you, will you not do the same?
Blue- I gave you my confession of love before you asked for it. My nurse is calling me, I shall be right back.
[Exit Blue]
Red- I am afraid that is all just a dream. What if this isn’t real and I am imagining all of this?
[Enter Blue] Blue- If you really love me, then propose a marriage. I want an answer by tomorrow. I will send a paper plane and draw the place and tell me the time and return it to me. I will leave my family and follow you to wherever you go. I want your love but if you do not return the love than I will feel incredible

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