
Red Sam And The Grandmother Essay

Decent Essays

“Each of us is a product of all our experiences and all our interactions with other people”- Colin Powell. In a Good man is hard to find by Flannery O’Connor, the family embarks on a journey to Florida and along the way they meet a man named Red Sam. Red Sam as stated by a sign outside his restaurant is described as a “fat man with a happy laugh”. Though that description may be true, he does have different sides to him, which is shown through his interactions with the various people. The interactions that Red Sam has with The Grandmother, the “Two fellers” and his wife will show how The Grandmother and he both judge people based on their appearance, how gullible and naive he is when he helps out the Two fellers, and how he is the opposite of …show more content…

The interactions between Red Sam and his wife show that he is in fact a “bad” man, because he bosses her around quite a lot and also thinks that she lounges around too much. In-fact she is the only person who is actually working hard. For example, she takes people’s orders and brings them food where she is able to carry five plates at once without a tray, two in each hand and one balanced on her arm while Red Sam converses with The Grandmother, instead of helping his wife. Her actions show how hard she works for Red Sam in the restaurant yet he does not seem to appreciate her for it at all. The domineering spirit of Red Sam prompts her not trust her husband saying that “It isn’t a soul in this green world of God’s that you can trust” “and I don’t count nobody out of that, not nobody” repeating it while looking at Red Sam. It is thought that most wives would trust their own husband, but in this case Red Sam’s wife does not, which is surprising because marriage normally consists of two partners who trust each other. Red Sam’s wife not trusting him shows how untrustworthy of a man he really is, rather than the “Good man” that The Grandmother claims him to

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