
Redefining The Feminine Identity : Freud 's Tripartite Model Essay

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Reconstructing the Masculine Identity:
Freud’s Tripartite Model in Hamlet, by William Shakespeare
How do individuals become a part of the psychoanalytic mind when desires are present? The founder of psychoanalysis, Sigmund Freud, supposed that there were “certain stages that an individual partakes in, which involved models dealing with early childhood age”. These models were in connection to the psychoanalytic mind, which includes “the conscious and subconscious” (Parker, pg. 119). Freud explains how there are “psychological desires that are available in some portion and that desires can be redirected or sublimated”; to overturn our drives by generally being distributed in three ways. Freud’s method is a key component in the literature work of Shakespeare’s Hamlet. In Hamlet, the main character deals with sublimating his anger while trying to facilitate with his father’s murder, all while incorporating Freud’s Tripartite Model that emphases on the id, superego, and ego, and how these forms sort of establish a masculine identity.
When considering the psychoanalytic mind, Hamlet endures three stages in order to cope with his desires. Drives are mainly associated with the id. Hamlet’s drive is considered a tactic related to preserving the masculine identity, which is to revenge his father. (Adelman & Wofford pg. 258). In addition to the three stages, Hamlet is often conflicting between his id and his superego; the stage in which he is fluctuates between his desire and

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