
Reed Leadership Style Essay

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What do you enjoy most about being in a leadership position?
Reed enjoys the ability to have an impact on people, facilities and patients. In his role he has the ability to see the big picture and make a change in the healthcare industry. His position enables him the freedom to identify opportunities, to deal with problems and to improve things that impact people and processes that improve lives.

What do you enjoy least about being in a leadership position?
The thing that Reed enjoys the least about his leadership position is the lack of time to handle all the issues that come his way that he needs to address. He directly manages 25 people, with a total of 500 indirectly. Each person could have an issue that is the highest priority to them, that needs to be handled immediately and it is impossible for him to handle them all at once. He has to prioritize each issue and then identify time constraints. He often has more requests than he can do in …show more content…

The one trait that Reed has seen derail leaders is egotism. This is when individuals think they have the only and the right answer all the time. When leaders are like this they don’t get the benefit of the ideas from a diverse team. This means that they are no longer leading the team they are pushing the team or going in a different direction than the team.

Lessons Learned: I found it interesting that the concepts that we have learned about are actually what leaders are faced with or actually believe. Reed Martin talked about communicating with different types of people and how it is important to tailor your communication style to the individual you are speaking with. I have found it frustrating and difficult to communicate with our Clinical Director and sometimes the physicians. Since, my interview with Reed, I have made an effort to think about our Clinical Director’s communication style and provide the big picture and not all the

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