
Refer to the paradox between the pleasure domes likeness to Eden, and

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Refer to the paradox between the pleasure domes likeness to Eden, and the sin of pleasure. Is Kubla Khan challenging God by recreating heaven, or is this simply to highlight the God like qualities of Kubla Khan?

The first stanza sets the tone, theme and location of the poem. Most of this is achieved in the first five lines. The rhyme pattern makes the first five lines almost independent of the rest of the stanza and the indentation of the fifth line marks the change in pace that can be seen between the two halves of the first stanza. Inn the second half of this stanza, the rhyme scheme is changed and this has a noticeable effect on the stanza as a whole. It creates a definition between the broad description of Xanadu in the …show more content…

The second half of this stanza describes the pleasure dome. The poet continues his use of strange, mystical language, as he refers to the gardens and the blossoming, incense bearing trees. Soft consonants reflect the subject matter, such as “sinuous rills” and “sunny spots of greenery”. There is repetition of the “e” sound, which places emphasis on the last word. Specifically, on the first syllable of the last word, “green”. This is to leave the reader with the desired impression of the pleasure dome. It’s a natural place, similar to the popular notion of Eden.

The second verse immediately contrasts the first using harsh words like “chasm” and “savage”. There is a very strong distinction between the beautiful landscape described in the first stanza, and the wild, destructive atmosphere of the second. The reference to the deep chasm arouses connotations of hell, and this is reinforced as ideas of enchantment several lines later. By explicitly referring to enchantment, instead of hinting at it, as was done in the first verse,
Coleridge would have created a clear message that this place was evil, compared to the beauty of the pleasure dome. A modern audience may not see this explicit reference to enchantment as an indication of evil, but in the 1700’s ideas of mysticism and witchcraft had far more importance. The idea that the

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