
Reflection About Identity

Decent Essays

Webster’s Dictionary defines Identity as: sameness of essential or generic character in different instances; the distinguishing character or personality of an individual; the condition of being the same with something described or asserted. At birth we begin with the same identifiers that follow us throughout life: name, gender, date of birth, race all can be categorized as the essentials needed to form Identity. As we grow through our teens distinguishing characteristics become more apparent and our individuality forms from a false sense of wisdom and arrogance that we are unaware of yet because we are still children. By our mid-twenties we finally begin to accept the fact that we don’t know everything, and the little we do know from our socilal and cultural interactions begin to have qualitative value. Then at thirty it happens, like an epiphany, we have an awareness of who we are, what ethical and moral values matter to us, and an understanding of how others perceive us and how we perceive others; this coupled with our life lessons defines our Identity. Needless to say not all the moments that define our identity are positive ones.
A significant, occasionally traumatic, influence for my generation is Bullying. It occurred on a daily basis and took on different forms depending on your social status. At the time your options for dealing with a bully were to pay it forward (bully someone else) or bury it deep inside; hopefully with little or no emotional scarring. It was

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