
Reflection About Service

Decent Essays

This past semester, I have had many opportunities to do service in my community and help others. Although there were some obstacles, I can say that doing this service has positively impacted me and made me a better Catholic. Through these many hours, I learned a lot about myself, the people around me, and what it is to serve God. One of the first services I did was working at Joy’s House at summer cheer camp. Joy’s house is an adult day care for those with disabilities. During my service, I got to do lawn work, including pulling weeds, pushing wheelbarrows, and shoveling and spreading mulch. All us girls faced many obstacles when working. It was very hot out (in the high 90s), the work was physically demanding, and on top of that, we were already very tired from conditioning. Joy’s House mission statement is “to provide an opportunity for aging adults and those living with physical and mental challenges, to participate in a social environment designed to improve quality of life, while also offering temporary relief for their caregivers.” I feel that I have helped them carry this out by making the environment and experience of Joy’s House more pleasing with a nice looking landscape. The next service project I did was working at United Methodist Church soup kitchen over the summer with my friend, Raegan. This service included making food for the people, serving it to them, and cleaning up after. This project included different obstacles, like having to deny hungry people

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