
Reflection For California History

Better Essays

This summer I have had the pleasure to intern for California History, an academic journal which publishes research on the complex history of California from many different perspectives. During the course of my internship, I have completed various projects involving analysis, research, and writing. These projects have required me to apply all of my previous knowledge and training, and challenged me beyond what I believed I was capable of. Through this process, I have acquired valuable skills and experience that have helped me grow both personally and academically. Furthermore, working with California History has allowed me to explore a possible career option firsthand and gain clarity as to what path I may want to pursue after graduating. As of August 18, I have completed 115 hours of internship experience. While California History does not have an official posted mission statement, the various descriptions of the journal all highlight its commitment to quality writing and research, innovative viewpoints, and a desire to spread valuable knowledge of California’s past. For instance, the about section of the California History website describes the journal as, “showcasing exceptional scholarship, engaging writing, and innovative research” and calls it essential for students, academics, and all others looking to understand California’s past. Similarly, the journal’s description on JSTOR emphasizes California History’s focus on, “new or under-explored subjects, innovative

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