
Reflection Of Body Worn Cameras

Decent Essays

On 09/03/2017 at 1030 hours, FTO Wheeler #4361 and I responded to 24th St. and Mission St. regarding a call of an elderly male bleeding from his neck and holding a knife. Officer Wheeler and I responded in full police uniform and in a marked patrol vehicle when we responded. Officer’s Wheeler#4361, McEachern#382, Phillips#2454, Claudio#1623, Fung#2159, Guillory#1806, Sutton#2446, Hayes#1116, Cathey#1090, Masilang#1344, Dudley#1497, Williams#2236, and Shablinskiy#2262 all activated their (BWC1) Body Worn Camera’s which were later uploaded to Officer’s Wheeler#4361, McEachern#382, Phillips#2454, Claudio#1623, Fung#2159, Guillory#1806, Sutton#2446, Hayes#1116, Cathey#1090, Masilang#1344, Dudley#1497, Williams#2236, Shablinskiy#2262, Gustil0#1469, Nangle#968, Plantinga#2367, and O’Leary#4292 all responded to the scene. Upon arrival, Officer Wheeler parked our patrol vehicle at the intersection of 23rd St. and Mission St. I grabbed my department issued extended range impact weapon and charged it. As I got out of the car, I observed (D1) Wayne Harold Self walking in the middle of Mission St. between 23rd St. and 24th St. with a (EVD3) black steak knife to his neck. As I approached Self, other responding police officers had already blocked off northbound and southbound traffic between 23rd St. and Mission St. Officer McEachern was in negotiations with Self attempting to get Self to drop the knife he had to his neck. Wayne was bleeding from the neck and rambling

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