Osho’s Reflections on Awareness
Osho says that the normal humanity is totally asleep. Zarathustra, all the awakened masters like Lao Tzu, Jesus, Buddha, Bahauddin, Kabir, Nanak – all of them have been teaching only one single theme and this is to wake up, to become aware. Wakefulness is the goal and wakefulness is the taste of all their teachings. Osho gives a beautiful example. He says like sea water is salty anywhere and everywhere, similarly all the Buddhas, of all places and times, have the same essence, that of awareness. He says, Adama and Eve were banished from heaven because they tasted from the fruit from tree of knowledge. They had become minds. When you become a mind, you lose consciousness (identification of Puruṣa with Prakṛti!). Mind means mechanical-ness; it means sleep.
There is a distinction (of life and death!) between being existing and living. We ‘exist’ when our physiological systems are working. But we start living only when we become aware. Wakefulness is the way to life. You are alive only in the proportion that you are aware. Awareness is the difference between death and life. Life is the goal and awareness is the technique the methodology to attain it.
Awareness leads to enjoying every moment because you
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When you see the sun setting or a rose flower in full bloom and exclaim “how beautiful!”, you have already moved into the past. In the beauty of the sun setting and of the rose flower there is no space for exclamation. The moment you exclaim, “how beautiful!”, you are referring to an experience which has already become the past! The mind already has put into the memory. Exactly when the sun is setting, exactly when the sun is on the rise, how can you think? There cannot be any thinking. There is no space for thoughts. You can be with the rising sun, but you cannot think. For you there is enough space - but not for thoughts. Similar is the case with the beauty of the rose
“. Stay woke is a term coined by many people who live the carefree lifestyle from all walks of life. Staying woke is remaining conscious of the things that are going on in the world around you. Only reason you must stay woke is so that you can be never be caught sleeping on major issues that other people like you have to endure. Staying woke doesn’t mean stuffing social issues down everyone’s throats at all times, but always being prepared to give knowledge to a person who may need it at the moment. Remember, staying woke isn’t a stressful task, you can still be “woke” and “carefree” at the same time. Never forget that
Everything started when I came back to Venezuela from London, I was almost starting a new college in a new city and with that, a new life, but There was only one thought in my mind “What is the sense of waking up everyday?”. It seems to be sad and actually It was, I did not want to wake up and
This quote explodes off the page. It is eloquently written and poetic, but also completely true. It is relevant because it describes everyday life as busy and static, which is extremely accurate. The ideas of sleeping and waking are ironically
This existence we often call life is something we never chose to experience. Everyone is forced into a cage into a body that is materialized so that there is no chance of escape. Our will is not capable of resisting this unforgiving reality. Strangely, this is exactly what has allowed humans to each formulate their own views on life. By many it is seen as a torturous path of endurance and others as an object that should be cherished and allowed to blossom. People have these thoughts because their experiences have provoked them to think in such a way. Humans go through experiences but very rarely take time to reflect on themselves. Thus we never truly
In This is Water by David Foster Wallace, he emphasizes the need for people to stay awake. While the term does not literally mean to dose off as life passes by, it does go along the lines of being able to be responsive to the discomforting, disheartening, or even the most joyous things in life. The act of staying awake has been so profound that popular literature mimics the struggle most have with “staying wake.” This type of writing can be categorized as creative nonfiction, and is the current predominant genre as a result. DFW states in This is Water, “ the mind being, an excellent servant but a terrible master” adds to the fact that our default setting has nothing to do with logical thinking but everything to do with impulse. This is seen
In the wake of slavery, the black body is constantly under attack. The hold co-exists within the wake of slavery. According to Christina Sharpe, college professor, author of In the Wake on Blackness and Being, (2016) “The wake; a state of wakefulness and a state of consciousness” (pg. 5). Being in the wake of slavery means one still faces the negative effects it and is aware of the negative affects it has on the black community. The hold co-exists in the wake of slavery and the black body is inhibited by this hold. Sharpe defines the hold as, “A large space in the lower part of a aircraft in which cargo is stowed (of a ship or aircraft); keep or detain (someone)” (p. 68). In the hold, the black body has been introduced, taught, ingrained and continues this idea of the language of violence. Through the actual hold of the ship during the Middle Passage, to the perception of blacks which also holds the black body, and to the engrained idea of the “masculine black body” which keeps queer black bodies in their own hold. In this paper, I will examine the intersectionality of blackness and queerness which is being held in the wake of slavery.
However, Thoreau wakes himself with a bath, and this is when a part of himself that is asleep the rest of the time is awakened. Thoreau says that, “The millions are awake enough for physical labor; but only one in a million is awake enough for effective intellectual exertion, only one in a hundred millions to a poetic or divine life” (Thoreau 45). This is a description of the average man’s condition because hardly anyone is awake enough to have a beneficial day filled with self discovery, and intellectual progress. The average individual is too drowsy because they do not understand how to truly become awake.
Sleep is undoubtedly one of the most essential requirements for the human body to function properly. It plays a very important role in ensuring the wellness of the human body both physically as well as mentally. In fact, the importance of sleep is clear from the fact that it helps you in maintaining a good lifestyle throughout our entire lifetime. Not only does it help maintain our physical and mental health; rather it also helps in maintaining a decent and healthy lifestyle along with ensuring safety from a number of fatal diseases. It is usually said that the mood in which you wake up is largely dependent on the type of sleep you have been in. This in itself is a big proof of the importance of sleep in our lives. While sleeping, our body finally gets its share of rest and it also gets ample time in rejuvenating from all the wear and tear that it went through during the entire day. Not only this, the body is in its own working condition when we are sleeping as this is the time when it supports the healthy functioning of the brain as well as physical attributes of our body.
For the amount of time that I was engaged in anchoring my mind to the current moment I noticed that there was a constant battle between myself and my mind, meaning there was strong urge to latch onto the thoughts and find meaning in them rather than just allowing myself to observe these thoughts. According to Chodron (2013) there are five reasons to meditate and one of the reasons is to cultivate attention towards every moment in our lives, which is important as she state “that we have allot of resistance to just being there!” (Chodrom, 2013, p. 4).
As health professionals, it is important to constantly be self-aware and to discover new truths about oneself. Jourard (1971) stated that lack of personal awareness can lead to a feeling of vulnerability when approached by patients expressing feelings, due to the fear of not knowing how to respond in an appropriate way. By having self-awareness, the sources of limitations that have the tendency to cause anxiety can be identified, so forward planning can be prepared to reduce or eliminate the impact this may have on performing activities and approaches to patients. Certain individuals utilise different techniques to minimise anxiety such as deep-breathing exercises or thinking of the positive outcome that comes once the source of fear or anxiety is overcame. Meanwhile, others prefer being critiqued, since it allows areas within practise needing improvements to be highlighted and alternatives to be considered.
Humans, like any other animals, sleep. No one fully understands why we have to sleep. But if we are deprived of sleep for too long, we die. It is as true as dreams and dreaming. The longer a person sleeps they will reach an advanced stage in sleep where the body begins to experience rapid eye movement(REM). Humans experience most of their dreams during the REM period. While a person is awake or asleep, the mind consciousness functions as a model of the world that was constructed by our brain. While awake, the mind takes in informations throughout the day that it can remember.
Sleep is a state of altered consciousness, characterized by certain patterns of the brains activity and inactivity. An altered state of consciousness is when a person is not completely aware of their surroundings. Some researchers believe that we sleep to clear our minds of useless information. Other people believe that it is a type of primitive hibernation: we sleep to conserve energy.
One of the ways an individual can understand cultural diversity is by creating a meaningful and genuine relationships with people who are from different cultures. Cultural diversity is an important phenomenal for teachers in training to become familiar with and I believe it is for this reason that the Education Department at Medgar Evers College has as one of its eight-unit standard Personal and Global Consciousness. The department under this standard expects teachers in training to examine, deconstruct, and reconstruct their own and others beliefs, values and perspective, to understand their own cultures, and to develop empathy and acceptance towards others culture. Teachers wishing to work in New York City
There are four different sources of knowledge: perception, introspection, reason and memory. All our knowledge roots from our perception. Perception is the way humans sense the world outside the body. We perceive through our five senses: see, hear, smell, taste, and touch. Humans gain knowledge through experiences and experience through perception. Usually we can trust our senses to perceive our surroundings effectively but there are times we misperceive. Illusions, hallucinations or impediments of the accurate flow of information to our senses are examples of misperceptions. For example if someone hits their head causing their vision to blur or impedes them from effectively processing what occurring around them, then they shouldn’t trust their senses. Another example would be an anxiety attack causing a signal of threat to the brain also preventing the person from correctly processing their surroundings. If nothing can prove we are misperceiving then we have good reason to be believe our senses.
The abstract idea of life cannot be explained by such simple ideas as being animated, breathing, or speaking. Ordinary machines in this century can perform all of these basic functions. The quandary with defining death is not as abstract and elusive as that of life. The problem of defining life and death has plagued philosophers and the religious bodies for thousands of years for one reason; each philosophy or religion has tried to define the meaning of life and death from only their certain perspective. The seemingly appropriate approach to this problem would be to understand the ideas presented in various philosophies and religions and through this knowledge create a new definition for each idea of life