
Reflection Of The Autoethnography Of A Master's Life

Decent Essays

In his autoethnography, Alexander draws from his lived experiences as both a black student and a black teacher. Alexander only had a handful of black teachers as a child. However, is 1st grade teacher, Mrs. Black, was particularly memorable. She was a large, nurturing black woman who cared for the young students. She is a very motherly figure to her students. Alexander’s mother took him to bus stop at Vermilion Elementary in Lafayette, LA, a predominately Black school. Mrs. Black greeted the students at the bus stop, leading them to class “like a mother hen with little chicks.” It was a smooth transition from being with mother at home to being with Mrs. Black at school. She encouraged them to succeed in their school work and supported the students with understanding and a warm embrace. Alexander acknowledges that his nostalgia may make him more inclined to romanticize these memories of her. “As I reflect, I remember both a childish Oedipal fixation on Mrs. Black, as well as an awakening understanding of the sensuousness of human contact.” It was a first experience with physical intimacy that led him to romanticize his nurturing teacher. He felt comforted thinking of Mrs. Black and how he saw his mother in her. She stands in his mother’s place during school hours. Now as a teacher, he hopes to have connections with students that are meaningful and sincere. Strong teacher-student relationships are sometimes unique and valuable. These relationships often extend the cultural

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